Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Books A Fórmula de Deus (Tomás Noronha #2) Download Free Online

Books A Fórmula de Deus (Tomás Noronha #2) Download Free Online
A Fórmula de Deus (Tomás Noronha #2) Paperback | Pages: 574 pages
Rating: 3.91 | 7249 Users | 428 Reviews

Mention Epithetical Books A Fórmula de Deus (Tomás Noronha #2)

Title:A Fórmula de Deus (Tomás Noronha #2)
Author:José Rodrigues dos Santos
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Large edition
Pages:Pages: 574 pages
Published:2006 by Gradiva
Categories:Fiction. Thriller. Romance. European Literature. Portuguese Literature. Mystery

Representaion As Books A Fórmula de Deus (Tomás Noronha #2)

"Nas escadarias do Museu Egípcio, em pleno Cairo, Tomás Noronha é abordado por uma desconhecida. Chama-se Ariana Pakravan, é iraniana e traz consigo a cópia de um documento inédito, um velho manuscrito com um estranho título e um poema enigmático. O inesperado encontro lança Tomás numa empolgante aventura, colocando-o na rota da crise nuclear com o Irão e da mais importante descoberta jamais efectuada por Albert Einstein, um achado que o conduz ao maior de todos os mistérios. A prova científica da existência de Deus. Uma história de amor, uma intriga de traição, uma perseguição implacável, uma busca espiritual que nos leva à mais espantosa revelação mística de todos os tempos. Baseada nas últimas e mais avançadas descobertas científicas nos campos da física, da cosmologia e da matemática, A Fórmula de Deus transporta-nos numa surpreendente viagem até às origens do tempo, à essência do universo e ao sentido da vida."

Point Books Concering A Fórmula de Deus (Tomás Noronha #2)

Original Title: A Fórmula de Deus ISBN13 9789896161392
Edition Language: Portuguese
Series: Tomás Noronha #2
Characters: Tomás Noronha
Setting: Portugal

Rating Epithetical Books A Fórmula de Deus (Tomás Noronha #2)
Ratings: 3.91 From 7249 Users | 428 Reviews

Critique Epithetical Books A Fórmula de Deus (Tomás Noronha #2)
This book was so bad, I couldnt push myself to finish it or write a proper review! The topic had potential but it was poorly written... it seemed like a Wikipedia transcript stripped of all it's character.

Second read:This is still a very nice book.Not really exciting, but very interesting. I do not know whether I have understood everything after rereading, but I understood more than the first time. Whether I could explain what the (scientific part) of the book is about? I don't think so, to do that I would have to be less of a language person and have better & more knowledge of the exact subjects than the rudimentary it is in now :-)Recommended for the reader who likes a book to think about,

Great story and well structured along the book with many pikes to move to the next level.

A good book I liked the way he insert philosophy and science in a roman, but I waited for something much stronger more credible and I waited for a real formula.Beside the argumentation is based on an egocentric vision on the existing of humanity like if we are sure that we are the only intelligence in the universe, and the ultimate form of it.The argument is forced to meet his point of view, after all he did not prove the intention of the creation. Everything he presented is an hypothesis

This was one of the most interesting books I've ever read. The concepts it discusses caused me to think about the universe and even our own existence in completely new ways. Some of the theories explained really blew my mind. Even though by the end of the book it seemed a little too far fetched, purely base on the extreme concepts brought up in this novel, I would rate it a 9/10 and anyone who appreciates science needs to try it out.

Yeah! I have finally finished this EXCELLENT, MIND-BLOWING book! What a ride! The story is really excellent! THOMAS reminded me a little bit Robert Langdon from Da vinci code, but he is a little bit naive... ARIANA- interesting, strong, clever woman from Iran. Her romantic relationship with Thomas felt a little useless, out-of-place I think... But they are really good couple)) The caracter development and plot were really good, but the ending was abrupt...I didnt understand what happend or what

Understanding that this story was created in a language different from my own, therefore I am certain some of the beauty of the language was lost in translation, I thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful combination of science, theology and mystery. Recommended for ages 17 and older, if page 317 (in the hardcover print) is skippedthen it could be recommended for age 14.


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